Numerous theories, to include poisoning and a malarial relapse, have been proposed as the cause of his death on a June afternoon in the palace of King Nebuchadrezzer II. What is known for certain is that following a banquet and drinking party hosted by his friend,about a week before, he fell seriously ill and took to bed. Despite (or perhaps because of) self-medicating himself with Hellebore, a small plant that was alternately used as a cure-all and a poison, his condition worsened. He lost the ability to move, except for his right arm, and could barely speak. When it became apparent that his death was at hand, his kith n kin filed in to pay their last respects. One asked him to whom he wished to bequeath his lands,to which he replied "Kratisto" (to the strongest) .
This deadly disease was previously referred to as GRID.Identify the disease and expand GRID.
Identify these two great aviators and the connection.

Turning down Sam Goldwyn's offer to buy the screen rights of his plays,he said ,"The trouble Mr.Goldwyn ,is that you are interested only in art and iam only interested in money."Who?
Identify this Parliament building.
1. nyrknaqre
2.nvqf .. tevq vf fbzrguvat yvxr tnl eryngrq vzzhabqrsvpvrapl be fbzrguvat
3. gur pbaarpg v thrff vf xrvgu zvyyre .. jnf anzrq nsgre gubfr nivngbef xrvgu naq ebff fzvgu
4.oreaneq funj?
5.guvax guvf vf gur xarffrg
zbfg nafjref ner fcbg ba . h
trg sbhe bhg bs svir!
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