So lets begin,

The Valkyries of Norse mythology were warrior-women who watched over battlefields, 'choosers of the slain' who took those who died with valor to Valhalla.

Valhalla was the afterlife of those selected by the Valkyries. From then on, they spent their days fighting and their nights feasting, every morning finding their injuries completely healed so they could spend another day fighting. Ultimately, those who populated Valhalla would fight for the Norse gods in their wars.

Yggdrasil was the tree that connected the nine worlds in Norse cosmology.

The Aesir
Aesir ,the primary pantheon of Norse gods.

Ragnarök, the Norse apocalypse,is a battle between the Aesir and the giants that results in the death of many deities and the rebirth of the world.
Balder (or Baldur) a figure in the Norse mythology was killed when a sprig or arrow of mistletoe was shot or thrown into his chest, by Loki, god of chaos and deceptionWoden is the Anglo-Saxon version of Odin , one of the chief Norse deities.
Asgard was the Norse realm in which the gods lived.
The Fenris Wolf is a large wolf bound by the gods, but it will eventually grow to large for its bonds and escape during Ragnarok.
Now the question is , apart from the Norse mythical connection what links the above list ?
I ll give you a clue : The link in question in a way owes its origin to a common economic indicator known as the "maximum pain theory".
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