In 1923, he left Kansas and boarded a train to California with $40 in his pocket. When a fellow passenger asked him about his intentions, he said ‘I’m going to direct great Hollywood motion pictures’ . After seeing ‘The Jazz Singer’ he wrote to his brother : "I think this is Old Man Opportunity rapping at our door. Slap a big mortgage on everything we’ve got and let us go after this thing in the right manner" . In 1938, he received honorory degrees from both Harvard and Yale universities, and also accepted an award from the League of Nations. He started the ‘Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow’ .Who is he.
Identify the brands associated with the following adlines
i. "A diamond is forever"
ii."Perception. Reality."
The following place was witness to one of the most historic millitary stand offs . Identify the place and the incident .

On August 10, 1897, a chemist called Feliz Hoffman discovered the world’s first synthetic drug. Name the drug.
" I'll make it real simple, I'm a 36-C. In the game, she's a double-D. In the movie, she's a D. We split the difference...."
Who is talking about whom?
Vg'f n onq vqrn gb evc bss D'f. Crbcyr ner haoryvrinoyl gbhpul nobhg guvf.
3.vf guvf gur shaqn nobhg gur zbivr 300?
4. nfcveva.
gur cbvag vf gung vs gur nhgube bs gur svefg d pbzrf npebff guvf oybt.. vg zvtug cebir gevpxl.. naq ol gur jnl, v guvax guvf vf gur orfg cynpr gb chg nyy gubfr gbhtu D'f h chg va bexhg..
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